Squash Update

Wow time just seems to fly by. The squash tournament has passed so quickly and today is the first time to sit behind a computer.
I was absolutely amazed at the high standard of the squash even at the ages of 65 plus, it was fabulous to see how even at this age they are still running around on the court with some great squash shots.
My first match was against a seeded played and I did not have much of a say in the game but at least had a good run around . She landed up 3rd at the end of the tournament, so in the end I did not play to badly. My second game was the following day wednesday and unfortunately also lost. This was at least more of a game, but she was a lot better. (she ended up winning the plate). Finally, on friday I played my 3rd game and I won and in the afternoon I had to play again but the legs did not want to move as well as the morning game and lost unfortunately. Looking back I did not have a very easy draw but it sure was a good lesson in squash. Next time round for 2008 in New Zealand definitely train more as the players were all super fit and played good squash. The winner in the 35 + was Sarah Fritz-gerald which was expected seeing she was the world no1 for many years, and second was Cindy Meintijes (really a SA but living in Australia now). The other dutch players also did not exceed unfortunately, but it was great having such a big group either supporting you while you play or being the supporter. There were some great games to watch in all the categories. On Saturday was the final day and it were either South african's, australians or English people in the final.
Here are some pictures of that week
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