Rimutaka Park - Stoat/rat traps checking
Today was the task to check and control the stoat traps. The reserve/park was only half hour away from the house, and just over the hills. First had to collect some eggs to replace the current ones in the traps and off we went.
Dan and Chris at the start of the walk

Area where 12 kiwi's have been introduced again successfully

Walking along the route on the normal path before we go off track.

Once we arrived, it was a good hour walk before we needed to climb up the hill and follow our trap line and check these. We were divided into 3 groups and each assigned each 4th trap to check. In total we had 37 traps that we check. We were the only group that actually found anything trapped inside. We found 2 rats in different traps and had to remove them from the trap. Not a nice job to do and it stinks.
trap checking

trap with rat checking

walk through the forest off the beaten track

The walk itself was a lovely scenery views, but with some stiff uphill climbs, but well worth it. In all it did not take us very long and by 3pm we were back at the house again. Nice short day again but this gave me time to go and pick up my car for the long weekend.
Forest view on the off beaten track

View of the wellington bay

Wellington harbour view from the top of the hill. We were very lucky today with the weather, lovely and sunny for once.

A lovely waterfall along the way

A hard days of work is finished.

Lovely again, now I know why I thought that the photo's wheren't as sharp as the ones from Africa, the zun never shines there!!Are you on your own in a rented car for this weekend? Have a good time and enjoy it
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