Sabbatical in the Nature

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Last day in Wellington

My last volunteering day today, as I fly off to Sydney and the Perth to do some holidaying with friends.

Last night, seeing it was my last night, i was asked to play the traditional beer pong game with the guys. Louise and me against the well trained boys, Ross and Stuart. Much to the disappointment of the boys we beat them. The aim of the game is to through a ping pong ball into a cup filled with alcohol of your choice. If the ball lands in the cup, then that person needs to down it. Each have 4 cups each. Of course the winners are when they have gotten the opposition to drink all there cups empty. Loads of fun actually, as the opposition can also try to distract you while you are trying to through.

me throwing the ping pong ball

waiting for the guys to finish there drink

Ross and Stuart trying to distract us when we are throwing

Ross throwing


At 15/2/07 12:34, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi dominique, dit is Besatare en jouw mama. vandaag is het de 15de en zit je in Sydney. ik ga nu al jou mooie foto's bekijken tot volgende week zondag avond als wij ook aankomen in Zuid-Afrika. wel grappig dat bier pingpong. de foto's vind ik erg mooi hoor, maar ik heb ze nog niet allemaal bekeken. gaan we nu doen. oma gaat nu lingo kijken. en succes. xxx besatare en jouw mama


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